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6 Signs that You Need AC Repair in Your Coachella Valley Home

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AC Repair Service in the Coachella Valley

Air conditioners can be extremely reliable, even when they face the triple digit weather that is common here in the Coachella Valley. But over the years, problems can develop with your air conditioner that will impact its efficiency and performance levels. We want to help you recognize issues with your system as soon as possible, so today we’re going to talk about some of the top signs that you should call Hydes for an air conditioner repair near Indio CA!

6 signs that you need an air conditioner repair

  1. Loud noises or strange smells. One of the best ways to recognize that you need an air conditioner repair is if you can “sense” it. For example, if your system is operating louder than normal or is making noises that you haven’t heard before, there’s likely something that has gone wrong. In addition, if your air conditioner is giving off strange smells, you should contact Hydes right away.
  2. Weak airflow. Does it seem like air is not blowing out of your registers as powerfully as it used to? Or have certain rooms in your home stopped cooling properly? These issues are most likely caused by poor airflow in your system. First check to see whether or not your air filter is dirty, because that can be the cause of many airflow problems. If your filter looks fine and you’re still experiencing airflow issues, that’s a good sign that you should call Hydes for an air conditioner repair.
  3. Warm air coming from your registers. Sometimes your air conditioner might sound like it’s working properly until you put your hand over an air register and realize that it’s giving off warm air. There are many reasons why your air conditioner might not be cooling your home’s air properly, so it’s best to have your system inspected and repaired by Hydes.
  4. Water buildup around your system. A water leak from your air conditioner can be damaging to both your system and the area surrounding it. This often occurs when there is a clog in your system’s condensate drain line. Contact Hydes as soon as you notice water buildup so that we can take care of the problem before it causes extensive damage.
  5. Higher than average cooling bills. One of the less-obvious signs that you need an air conditioner repair is that your cooling bills are on the rise. If you notice that your electric bills are higher than average (and the weather hasn’t been hotter than usual), contact Hydes so we can determine why your system is operating inefficiently.
  6. System won’t turn on. Perhaps the most telling sign that you need an air conditioner repair is that your system won’t turn on at all. If you’ve checked your circuit breaker and it looks like your system should be receiving power (and it still won’t turn on), give Hydes a call so that we can get your system back up and running.

If you have any questions about the common signs that you need an air conditioner repair, or if you’d like a cooling system serviced or installed in your home, contact Hydes, your Coachella Valley air conditioning contractor.

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