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Why is My Air Filter So Dirty?

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Dirty Air Filter

Every air filter gets dirty over time. If it didn't, that would mean it wasn't removing any particles from your home's air! But sometimes filters can clog up faster than usual, which can cause efficiency and performance problems with your system without you even realizing there was an issue.

Today we're going to talk about situations that cause filters to clog up quicker than usual so that you know when you should keep an extra eye on whether or not your filter needs to be changed!

5 Reasons Air Filters Clog Up Faster Than Usual

  1. It’s hotter or colder outside than usual. The amount of dirt and particles that build up on your filter is directly related to how much air is being cycled through your furnace and air conditioner. So when it’s hotter or colder than usual outside and your system is running frequently, your air filter will clog up faster because there is more air that’s being sent through it.
  2. Your fan is set to "on." Your thermostat should have a button that sets the fan mode to either "auto" or "on." If your system's fan is set to "on," that means that the fan is running constantly even when your system is not in a heating or cooling cycle. On the plus side, this means that your air is being filtered at all times. However, this also means that your filter will collect particles much more quickly than it would if your fan was in "auto" mode, and it will need to be changed more frequently.
  3. You have pets. Pets are great but they can cause an uptick in airborne contaminants in your home and be a major cause to your filter clogging up so quickly. It is recommended to change your filters once a month if you have pets. You also may want to consider installing a whole house air cleaner to enhance the overall air quality in your home.
  4. You have increased the number of people in your home. Increasing the number of people that live in your home can also cause an increase in airborne contaminants. Changing your filters on a monthly basis (you can check each month but it may only need changing every other month) will help with your overall air flow.
  5. You have recently done construction in your home. Remodeling and construction in your home is beautiful when it is all completed. But did you know that the removal and addition of tile, carpet and drywall can cause your air filters to clog at a rapid pace? Changing air filters during construction and just after will not only help with your air filters not clogging but also protect your overall system.

If you have any questions about why your air filter is so dirty, or if you'd like a heating and cooling system serviced or installed in your home, contact Hydes, your Coachella Valley furnace installation and repair contractor.

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