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Humidity 101

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Here’s a Quick Lesson – Humidity 101

We talk about humidity – or a lack of humidity – when we talk about weather in Southern California and other regions of the country. But what exactly is humidity? And why are healthy humidity levels important?

While we can’t control the weather, we can make changes to improve the humidity levels in our homes. With over since 1972 of experience in heating, cooling and indoor air quality, Hydes has become an expert on the subject of humidity.

What is humidity?

Humidity is “atmospheric moisture” or the amount of water vapor in the air. As you probably know, our region tends to have lower humidity levels than other regions of the country.

How does running my heat impact the humidity levels in my home?

Running your heat tends to further dry the air and can cause your home’s humidity levels to be too low.

What are the problems caused by extremely low humidity?

There are a variety of problems related to low humidity levels, including:

How can I achieve healthy humidity levels in my home even when I run my heat during the winter?

Adding a whole house humidifier will alleviate low humidity problems. Hydes recommends the Honeywell TrueSTEAM Humidification System. This smart humidifier produces “moisture on demand” whenever humidity levels become low, whether the furnace is running or not. According to the EPA, in addition to creating healthier air, adding a humidifier can help save as much as 4% on heating bills as you will feel warm and comfortable at a lower temperature.

Want to learn more about how you can achieve healthy humidity levels in your Coachella Valley area home? Read more about Whole Home Humidifiers, or give Hydes a call at (760) 360-2202 to speak to one of our indoor air quality experts.

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