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About Your Southern California Edison Cycling Device

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How to Tell When Your AC is Broken & When It’s Being Cycled Off by Your Utility Company

During the summer, we get several calls each day asking us to repair air conditioners that have stopped working. And no wonder, with temperatures regularly soaring into the triple digits! In heat like ours, when your AC goes out you need it fixed, fast.

However, we frequently respond to these calls only to find that the malfunctioning air conditioner isn’t malfunctioning at all. It’s equipped with a Southern California Edison cycling device and is in the middle of an off cycle.

What Is a Southern California Edison Cycling Device?

A cycling device is a radio-controller box attached to your outdoor AC compressor by the utility company. During peak energy usage hours, Southern California Edison can send a signal to your cycling device to temporarily shut down, or cycle off, your air conditioner.

Is The Cycling Device Required?

How does your Southern California Edison cycling device affect your air conditioner?

Having a cycling device installed by Southern California Edison is completely optional. The device is installed when you enroll in their Summer Discount Plan. The plan is free to participate in and offers four savings options, so you can choose the right cycling schedule for your home.

Your options include Maximum Savings Cycling, which allows Southern California Edison to cycle your AC off for up to six (6) hours a day, and Maximum Comfort Cycling, which allows them to cycle your AC off for up to three (3) hours a day. Each of these cycling options can have an override added, allowing you to override up to five (5) off cycles each summer.

How Can You Tell if Your AC is Broken or Cycled Off?

The cycling device has an indicator light that can tell you whether your AC is currently cycled off. When your air conditioner cuts out and you’re worried that it may be a malfunction, head outside and look at the cycling device. If you see a flashing green light, the device has initiated an off cycle and you have no reason to worry. If you see a steady green light, that means that the cycling device has not cycled your AC off and it may be in need of repair.

How does your Southern California Edison cycling device affect your air conditioner?

Hydes recommends everyone utilizing the cycling device to download the app, so you know when a cycling event is going to happen. You can also check the website or the SCE DR Alerts app for iPhone and Android to see when cycling devices will be activated. The website can tell you whether a cycling event is already in progress, while the app will send you notifications before your AC is cycled off so you won’t be taken by surprise.

Why Should You Have a Cycling Device Installed?

How does your Southern California Edison cycling device affect your air conditioner?

By using a cycling device to cycle off your AC, you use less energy to cool your home, which helps lower your bills. Not only do you get real savings from using less energy, but you also get credits applied toward your Southern California Edison utility bill, saving you even more money over the course of the summer—up to $180. Your local power grid will also have less stress on it during peak hours, which can help prevent power outages.

If your home has a Southern California Edison cycling device and your air conditioning cuts out, make sure to verify that your cycling device isn’t the culprit before you call Hydes for repairs. If you find that your AC needs repair, maintenance, or even replacement, give us a call at (760) 360-2202. We’re here to keep your Coachella Valley home comfortable!

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