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Having Electrical Issues?

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When It May Be Time To Consider An Electrical Upgrade 

Troubleshooting problems with your electrical system can be pretty tough. While some issues may be resolved with a quick repair fix, others may be chronic and require that you upgrade your electrical panel. Either way, losing power without any idea of what went wrong can be extremely stressful! Hydes is here to help you troubleshoot all of your electrical issues, and let you know when an update might be beneficial. 

4 Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Your Electrical System

You Have A Fuse Box

If you have an older home with a fuse-dependent panel, it’s probably a good idea to consider upgrading your electrical panel. Fuses can easily burn out and require replacement, and since circuit panels are standard now, replacement fuses are increasingly hard to find. Additionally, while fuse boxes are not inherently unsafe by design, they cannot generally handle the energy demands of modern appliances, making them more likely to become overwhelmed and spark a dangerous house fire. 

Your Panel Is Hot Or Smelly

Your electrical panel should be cool to the touch. If your panel is hot, it means the system is overloaded or damaged and needs to be repaired. Additionally, if you notice that your unit is emitting strange odors, it could mean you have a dysfunctional circuit on your hands. Contact an electrican right away if you pick up any burning smells or crackling sounds, as you may be at risk for an electrical fire.

Constantly Tripping Panel

While a tripped circuit breaker may be a minor annoyance, it is actually a safety measure to ensure the wires within your system do not overheat. If you notice that a circuit breaker trips frequently, it could mean the breaker is going bad or that you have too many appliances plugged into that circuit. Consider upgrading your system to decrease the stress on your electrical system. 

Flawed Wiring

Frayed or improperly installed wiring is the number one cause of house fires in the United States! If your home is older, your electrical wiring may have suffered wear and tear over time, making you vulnerable to electrical fires. It is important to have an electrician inspect your wiring every year to ensure you are up to code.

A few signs that your current wiring is compromised include: 

  • Odors as if something is burning.
  • Faded, discolored or sparking outlets.
  • Your home appliances deliver a brief shock when handled.
  • Flickering or dim lights.

If you think it may be time to upgrade your electrical panel system, give Hydes a call at (760) 360-2202 or contact us online. We’ll inspect your panel and give you an honest assessment of what needs to be done to maximize the effectiveness of your electrical system.

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