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7 Reasons Your AC Unit Isn’t Working

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Common Causes of Air Conditioner Malfunctions

If your air conditioner breaks down completely, there’s obviously a major issue that needs to be taken care of by a professional AC contractor. However, a slightly more perplexing problem is when your air conditioner is working but the air is not cold enough or your AC system isn't blowing enough cold airWhen your AC unit isn't cooling your home enough, it can be frustrating. That's why we offer repairs for both major and minor issues so that you're always comfortable inside your home or office space!

Today we’re going to talk about why your air conditioning system might not be cooling properly near Indio, and what you can do to take care of the problem!

AC Not Cooling FAQs

Why is my AC unit suddenly not cooling?

If your Coachella Valley area AC unit is running non-stop but still failing to cool your home, the most ommon culprits include dirty air filters, refrigerant leaks, or issues with the compressor.

How do I fix an air conditioner that is not cooling?

To fix your air conditioner that is not cooling, you can try resetting your thermostat to the correct setting of AUTO, instead of ON. If you reset your thermostat and your air conditioner is still not working, you should replace your air conditioner’s air filter. If neither of these solutions work, your air conditioner may need a repair that requires more advanced HVAC knowledge.

Can a dirty air filter cause my air conditioner not to cool?

Yes, a dirty air filter can cause your air conditioner not to cool effectively especially here in the Coachella Valley. When the airflow is restricted within your unit, your AC system has to work harder to cool the air, which can cause it to strain and ultimately malfunction. In some cases, it may even freeze up, causing it to stop working altogether.

7 Common Reasons Why Your Air Conditioner Is Not Cooling Properly

1. Dirty cooling coils. Your air conditioner has a set of indoor coils that absorb heat from your home’s air, as well as a set of outdoor coils that transfer heat from your home to the outdoors. If either of these coils have a layer of dirt on them it becomes much more difficult for heat to transfer between the coils and the air that’s blown over them. This can greatly reduce your system’s ability to remove heat from your home and the air that comes out of your vents will be warmer than it should be.

2. Refrigerant leak. Refrigerant is what flows through your air conditioner coils and actually moves the heat from inside your home to the outside condenser unit. If your system has a refrigerant leak it will not be able to adequately move heat out of your house. Your air conditioner will run, but will not provide optimal comfort.

3. Blocked condenser unit. Condenser units are located outside, where they can be blocked by plants, bushes and other shrubberies. If your condenser unit is obstructed, it will not be able to adequately release heat from the condenser coils. This means that the heat that is removed from your home will not be released properly.

4. Dirty air filter. When your air filter is dirty, the amount of air that is able to blow over your evaporator coils is restricted. When this happens, much of the warm air that your air conditioner pulls from your home’s air will not actually be cooled.

5. Compressor problems. Your air conditioner’s compressor is responsible for making sure the refrigerant is at optimal pressure, making it one of the most important parts of your unit. Without it, your system would not be able to absorb heat from the rooms in your home and transfer it outside. If it starts to malfunction, your air conditioner has no chance of cooling your home properly.

6. Old system. When an air conditioner reaches the end of its operating life it will not be able to cool your home like it used to. This is just a natural fact of an air conditioner’s lifespan, which is why it’s important to replace your system when it is no longer able to perform effectively.

7. Improper thermostat settings. If your thermostat’s fan setting is set to “on” your air handler will blow air even when your system isn’t in a cooling cycle. As a result, some of the air that comes out of your vents will feel warm. You can adjust this by switching the fan setting to “auto” instead. Another setting to check is whether your system is in “heat” or “cool” mode. Your air conditioner will only be turned on if your thermostat is set to “cool.”

Keep Your Air Conditioner Running Strong with Annual Tune-Ups

The best way to avoid most of the problems above is to schedule an annual AC tune-up with Hydes. During your tune-up, we’ll inspect your system for problems that would impair its performance and perform a full system cleaning! Not only will this help prevent cooling issues during the summer, but will also keep your system running efficiently and extend its operating life.

If you have any questions about your air conditioner not cooling, or if you’d like a cooling system serviced or installed in your home, call Hydes, your Coachella Valley and Indio area air conditioning contractor, at (760) 360-2202 today!

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