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Find Out Why Your Outlets Aren’t Performing

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3 Common Outlet Problems & What To Do About Them 

If one or more of your electrical outlets stop working, you’ll be faced with the frustrating task of crossing wires over each other until all of your appliances are connected to working outlets. If this gets to be too much work, you may be tempted to poke around your system blindly in an attempt to find the source of the issue, which can be confusing and even dangerous! 

Rather than risk an injury, have a professional electrician check for these three common outlet problems in your Indio, Palm Springs and Palm Desert home.

Circuit Interruptions

If there is a gap or disruption in one of the wires between your circuit breaker and outlet, your attached appliance will not receive any power. Circuit interruptions can occur for a number of reasons, including loose or degraded wiring. While you can purchase an at-home circuit tester to see if the outlet is receiving a signal or not, it is best to contact a professional who will be able to provide a diagnosis for any necessary repairs. 

Poorly Installed Outlet

If your outlet was positioned incorrectly or corroded at installation, the chances that it will perform as it should are slim. If you have checked the circuit box, the issue may have to do with the outlet itself. You can easily check if there is a wiring issue from the outlet’s end by shutting off its corresponding circuit, unscrewing the unit and checking for any miswired or loose connections. If everything seems to be in place, it may be time to replace the outlet itself. 

Short Circuit

A short circuit will cause your breaker to trip, severing the flow of electricity. Once power is unable to circulate through the affected wires, one or more of your outlets will stop working. Because a short circuit usually forms when a hot wire comes into contact with another wire in your fuse box, it can produce scalding temperatures within your box and potentially catch fire, meaning it may be risky to investigate the situation alone. Consider calling a professional to replace the affected wire or circuit, and repair any damage.  

If your outlets have stopped working, give Hydes a call at (760) 360-2202. We would be happy to help in any way we can!

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