In an effort to improve home efficiency levels and conserve energy nationwide, homes are constructed much more tightly-sealed than they were just 32 or 45 years ago. And although this has greatly improved home efficiency, it has also created some consequences when it comes to indoor air quality.
Today we’re going to talk about why indoor air quality can be affected by air tight homes and what you can do to keep your air healthy!
What does it mean to have an “air tight” home?
Whereas older homes often have many small openings that allow air to leak in and out, newer homes are built as tightly-sealed as possible. This is done so that conditioned air can stay contained within your home and that outside air is blocked from getting in. Sealing your home’s air leaks is one of the best ways to improve the efficiency of your furnace and air conditioner.
How do air tight homes affect indoor air quality?
Although air tight homes are highly-efficient, they also limit the amount of ventilation that is able to take place. That’s because the side effect of stopping indoor air from leaking out of your home is that airborne contaminants can build up inside with nowhere to go (a problem sometimes referred to as “sick home syndrome”).
However, as you’ll see below, modern air filtration systems can take care of this problem and Hydes can help you with it!
How can you improve air quality in air tight homes?
The best way to control air quality in tightly-sealed homes is to install a whole house air cleaner and/or air purifier with your heating and cooling system.
These types of air filtration systems use advanced technology to remove up to 98 percent of the harmful contaminants in your home’s air, which is significantly more effective than the standard throwaway filters that are used in many homes.
By installing an air cleaner or air purifier in your home, you can benefit from the high efficiency levels that come with air tight homes without having to worry about a drop in air quality. An air cleaner or air purifier are also beneficial if you have pets and deal with pet dander in your home.
If you have questions about the effects air tight homes have on indoor air quality and want to learn more on how you can breathe better inside your house, contact Hydes.