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Why Sign Up For An HVAC Service Agreement?

Ac Maintenance 600x400 1

A HVAC Service Agreement is Key to Efficient Coachella Valley Heating and Air

Most HVAC companies offer service agreements–and for very good reason. There is no better way to achieve peace of mind about your HVAC system than having it regularly serviced.

Our service agreement for the Coachella Valley area goes above and beyond simple tune-ups. Here is a little more information about the benefits of regular maintenance, then we’ll show you how our plan steps up the basics.

How Regular HVAC Maintenance Helps Your System’s Efficiency

You can save as much as 10% on your energy bills with a well-maintained system. Additionally, regular maintenance stops breakdowns by catching any issues while they’re small.

A lot of people wonder if it is necessary to maintain a system that isn’t frequently used. It is Southern CA after all. Do you really need maintenance on heat that doesn’t run as much? Actually, your heat runs a little more than most people think. It is working with your central air system when it is cooling your home. Plus, carbon monoxide leaks could happen no matter how frequently or infrequently you use your system; a CO check is one big thing we perform during maintenance.

How Our Service Agreement Goes Beyond Maintenance

A service agreement is more than just maintenance. It’s a whole package deal. What is included varies from company to company. Hydes decided to compile a few features that residents preferred in a service agreement, such as:

And like any good package deal, the cost for our individual services are cheaper in a bundle

How a Service Agreement Increases Efficiency of Your System

Having sporadic HVAC maintenance won’t hurt your system, but by having a plan that promises timely, bi-annual maintenance is better. You never know what could go wrong in a heating or air system and when.

Having a service agreement also ensures you have a reliable company at arm’s reach in the event of a breakdown. And repair discounts make that process much more painless. Want to choose a service agreement that stands out from the rest? Check out more about what Hydes has to offer on our AC & Heating Maintenance page.

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